A historical drama series telling the ancient saga of the kingdom of the Bambara, legendary Malian warriors who lived from the 17th to the 19th centuries. We meet a range of mighty characters, from Biton to Monzoh, who, at his death, passed on to his son not only the throne, but also the difficult task of defeating his four greatest enemies. The Kingdom of Ségou was at its peak of power and splendor. But the wise men warned that the vagaries of war and vices of life would lead to the collapse of the empire.
Directed by: Boubacar Sidibé
Production: Brico Films
Starring: Aboubacar Thienta, Mamadou B. Keita, Abdrahame Cissé and Maïmouna Diarra
Original language: French / Available with English subtitles
Country: (Mali)